Keep my house cool in the summer

3 ways to make your home more comfortable

If you get the occasional slight electric shock when touching a light switch, this highlights the possibility that it might be wise to invest in a humidifier, one that is easy to use and controls the humidity level throughout your home. The second comfort aid helps deal with indoor pollution. Many folks are really surprised…
furnace installation and repair

Should you have a single or a two-stage furnace?

To be frank, it’s a question that can confuse when you are looking for a furnace for your home. So, let’s take a swift look at the differences between the two… A Single-Stage Furnace continues to disperse its maximum level of heat, no matter what the temperature is outside or in some parts of your…
furnace tuneup

Summer in Denver Colorado: the best time to think about heated driveways!

As both homeowners and business folk here in Denver, Colorado can enjoy making the most of warm summer days, it seems almost a shame to think ahead through autumn and into the depths of winter. However, now is a great time to consider installing heating for driveways or sidewalks. Then, when the freeze settles in,…
AC recharge

What To Look For When Purchasing An A/C Unit

The average life of an A/C unit is 10 to 14 years, so you can count on going through an A/C purchasing process at least once. What should you look for when the time comes? First, make sure you choose the right size – too big of a unit or too small can cause some…